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Blog Postings

Lew Wilson

Lewis Edwin Wilson (1935 – 2020)

We finally had the opportunity to gather to celebrate the life of Lew Wilson. Lew was a regular at our monthly music jams. He had a deep catalog of songs and stories which he would share when we got together. Sadly after his wife passed, his health failed. Covid kept us from visiting him in a nursing home. Lew was a Korean War veteran and was honored for his service at the Winchendon, MA Veterans Cemetery on June 7, 2021.

1948 Child Labor

Benign Neglect Lawn Care

I’m beginning to ask myself why I bother mowing so much of my lawn. Why not let some of it revert to a meadow with flowers and pollinating plants?

Lone Star

Texas Attractions

A whirlwind tour of some of the attractions that my sister and I visited during our time in Texas.