Bell Island – September 2011
As part of my Throwback Photos project, I’ve been reviewing photos taken one, five and ten years ago. This is collection taken ten years ago in September 2011.
As part of my Throwback Photos project, I’ve been reviewing photos taken one, five and ten years ago. This is collection taken ten years ago in September 2011.
In 1968 I learned that electronic brain control made Lee Harvey Oswald kill JFK. I learned this from a protestor at a Electronics Trade Show.
What are the odds? I posted an Italian song on YouTube and one listener recognized the singer as her grandfather. This is the story of how that happened.
Cathy & Gary Johnson have a daylily farm at 48 Mason Road, New Ipswich, NH. A circa 1800 farmhouse is located on the property which contains wall murals painted by Rufus Porter. I had the opportunity to take some photos of the murals in July of 2019.
We came back for a Cape Escape 2021 after skipping 2020 because of COVID. COVID is still with us in a more virulent form but we are among the vaccinated.
I’ve been raising worms in my basement for over twenty years. They consume kitchen waste and produce high quality compost. Finding a suitable container for them has been a work in progress.