The Daily Picture Theme is #Gold
I participate in a photography challenge on Spoutible, a social media site that I joined when I left Twitter. A hashtagged theme is posted each day from the account of Daily Picture Theme which describes itself as “The Big Photo Album of Our Community.” I had plenty of photos which fit the theme of #Gold including the Sungold tomatoes seen in the featured photo for this post,
Somewhere among my clutter, I have pile of old Pentium computer chips. The contact pins are coated with gold to ensure a tarnish free electrical connection. I was hoping that these might fetch some money from gold merchants but for now they join the rest of the clutter in my basement.
On This Day – April 3rd (2019)
Five years ago it was possible to have a delicious Portuguese meal in Greenville, NH at Dalia’s Place. I was especially fond of their baked bread and soup. Sadly it no longer in business. On this April 3rd I had a nice lunch and walked up High Street to click a few photos of the former Red Brick Inn and Sacred Heart Church. I was especially happy to see Jesus looking out a window at Souhegan River far below.
Greenville, NH
Website Update
I have made some tweaks and adjustments to this website so that photos can be displayed in their original size. It will not be noticeable to Mobile users, but desktop users will see a much larger image when they click on a gallery thumbnail. Try it out with the Greenville photos .