December 5, 2023 (Tuesday)
Frederic Edward Mohs was an American physician and general surgeon who developed the Mohs micrographic surgery technique in 1938 to remove skin cancer lesions while still a medical student at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (Wikipedia). It is still the gold standard treatment for skin cancer. Wikipedia
It was a full day with Mom at the Hitchcock Clinic. Besides one surgery she had two more biopsies of “suspicious” sites. I’ve had my share of skin cancer surgeries and have one scheduled for early next year on my nose. While I was sitting in the waiting room, a man walked by with an enormous bandage on his nose. That will be me next year after my surgery. I’ve already decided that I am going to paint it red so I look like a clown. Clowns make you laugh, I can laugh away the carcinoma.
The featured photo was taken in 2013 after the MOHS surgery on my ear. That was my time to be Vincent Van Gogh.
Back at the house I noticed this unique Amaryllis bulb that had been dipped in wax, like a rutabaga. It was breaking dormancy. I think my sister found it at Trader Joes. It is a clever way to package the product. I’ll report on its progress. I make a habit of taking spent bulbs and attempt to get them to bloom again. I have had with absolutely no success. I have plenty of bulbs in puts with two flat leaves and nothing else. Someday I’ll learn the secret.
Daily Picture Theme – #Partner
I participate in a daily picture challenge on the social media site Spoutible. Everyday there is a different subject announced as a Daily Picture Theme. I select an appropriate  photo from my collection to share. I have been sharing these exclusively on Improves With Age, my Substack newsletter. However since I have untaken the task of writing daily entries, I decided to introduce a daily picture theme photo to this website.
The theme for today was #Partner and I immediately thought of sharing a few photos of myself with my life partner (Ginny Poltrack) whose been my partner for almost a half century. Aren’t we a cute couple?