The 2022 December Garden
This has been a strange December. It has been cold, but I still have quite a few plants in the garden that seem to be thriving. I even found a dandelion flower.
This has been a strange December. It has been cold, but I still have quite a few plants in the garden that seem to be thriving. I even found a dandelion flower.
Photos of a trail located at a Monadnock Conservancy easement in New Ipswich, NH. Lovely trail with mixed hardwoods and a wetland.
A discussion of the books on the top shelf of one of my bookcases. Most of these are reference books that are never referenced. Why do I hold on to them?
My cousin alluded to my penchant for social media when asked the question “Where’s Waldo of Cyberspace”. I have some answers.
Do you know what we need in New Ipswich? I’ll tell you. We need a coffee shop. A place where one can site down and have a cup of coffee and maybe a muffin. A place where one can have a conversation with a friend.
Sometimes it makes sense to let the professionals take care of the trees, especially if they have a crane and bucket lift.