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Thank You for Your Service

I often wear my Vietnam Veteran ball cap when I am grocery shopping. It is very common for people to approach me to shake my hand and thank me for my service. I appreciate the gesture but I’m mostly interested in finding other Veterans.  If I find one I always ask the same question: “How is your health?”

Sadly many of the responses are not good. Many of these Veterans tell me of medical issues caused by exposure to Agent Orange. 

President Barack Obama proclaimed March 29, 2012 as Vietnam Veterans Day.  On March 28 2017, President Trump signed the Vietnam War Recognition Act of 2017.

I never thought much about this Holiday till now and that is all because of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Social Distancing

Toilet Paper aisle at Hannaford Grocery, Rindge, NH
Toilet Paper aisle at Hannaford Grocery, Rindge, NH

The encounter happened on a shopping trip at the Hannaford Supermarket. A woman shopper noticed my Vietnam Cap and extended her hand.  I laughed and bowed with a Namaste greeting.  She laughed and  made a comment about what is becoming our new normal. We we in the toilet paper aisle and she explained she was buying some to ship to Japan. Imagine how surreal this has become.

I worry about my fellow Vietnam Veterans who are now in their early 70s.  Many with medical issues. We can protect them and ourselves by following the guidelines and “flattening the curve” to end this scourge. Be well.

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