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This is the daily journal entry for the 18th day of June in 2024. The Daily Picture Theme is . This a challenging theme so I did a search of my photos and came across a photo of Tonita Cervantes, a photojournalist who documented the activism at Standing Rock in 2016, This photo is relevant because she uses photography to stand up for the environment, human rights and the eradication of blindness.

“Even the busiest people are never too busy to benefit from journaling for just five minutes a day.”

— Sophia Godkin

Hot One

It didn’t take long for it to heat up, so it wasn’t a day for working outside. We finished Tai Chi just as it started to get too warm. Today we had our Far Outers lunch meeting. It was comfortable sitting in the shade by the pond. Rick had set up a box fan to both keep us cool and discourage biting flies. I watched one fighting against the air current. When it landed on the picnic table for a break, I had no problem squashing it. These things are annoying and there is now one less of them.

Keeping Cool

Nothing beats the heat like cooling off in a pool. This definitely provided some welcome relief.

Twelve Years Ago – June 18, 2012 (Monday)

Twelve years ago we visited Ginny’s family on Vancouver Island. These photos were taken on our last day in Victoria as we visited the government building and aboad the ferries as we headed back to Washington State.


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2 thoughts on “Daily Journal – 18 Jun 2024 (Tuesday)”

  1. I am halfway through this great book:
    “Indigenous Continent,” by Pekka Hamalainen who aims to upend the nation’s grand narrative, putting Native people and Native power at the center.

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