2 months old and full of energy
We have been catless for almost 5 years, so when my yoga instructor mentioned her cat was pregnant and asked if I wanted to adopt kittens I was happy to accept her offer. We’ve never taken in kittens. Most of our cats were strays that just showed up and decided they wanted to live with us. It was imperative to take 2 kittens because they spend each waking moment chasing each other. After a while they get exhausted and curl up for a nap. This process continues throughout the day with a quick break for meals and pooping.

Luna and Raven
We are getting into a routine, Vigorous play interspersed with long naps. They reached an important milestone when they knocked over a house plant. Like a new parent, I chase after them with a camera.
Cat Photos
Daily Picture Themes
I’ve been keeping up with the Daily Picture Themes posted on the social media site Spoutible and posting them on my Improves with Age substack. Here is the summary from the first week of 2025.
“There is nothing to be learned from the second kick of a mule.”
— Mark Twain
- Letters from an American – Helen Cox Richardson
- The Hartmann Report – Thom Hartmann
- Today’s Edition Newsletter – Robert Hubble
- Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance – Joyce Vance – Legal
- everyone is entitled to my opinion – Jeff Tiedrich – Snarky
- The Borowitz Report – Andy Borowitz – Satire
Practice self care
“[Try to] accept with [grace] the things that cannot be changed, [maintain the drive] to change the things that [might and] should be changed, and [gain] the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.” – Doug Waitt edit of the Serenity Prayer
Can we talk?
I have removed AdSense advertising from my site. The ads were annoying and cluttered up the page. However it does cost money (and time) to publish this website. If you enjoy the content, why not become a supporter? Think of it as buying me a “virtual cup of coffee”. FYI the average cost of a cup of coffee in 2024 is $3.08

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Referral Link to DCU Bank – I have been a member of this credit union since its inception. If you need a bank choose this one,