A New Year
First an apology to my readers. It was my goal to have a weekly entry for this website. It all fell apart in the last weeks of the year. It just got too busy. I’ve been keeping up to date with the picture themes and the historical newsletter but have ignored this website.
Keeping with tradition I spent New Years day transversing the Labyrinth that was laid out on the floor of the Town Offfice in Peterborough, NH. The tradition has been going on for 25 years with the exception of 2020 when Covid put the world on hold. A walking meditation is the perfect way to start the year. Its gonna be a bumpy ride and I want to be a resilient as I can be to face it.

Keeping Warm
This winter has been relatively mild, but I only feel truly warm standing next to a radiator or wood stove. I have baseboard heat which is no substitue for a free standing radiator. One of the rituals of our daily Tai Chi practice at the Temple Town Hall is warming ourselves next to the radiators.
The woodstove was cranking this Sunday and I decided I would take a selfie from the infrared energy it was emitting. I have a converted Olympus camera filtered to 830nm in the infrared spectrum. This was a long exposure of 2.5 seconds with an aperture of f/2.8. The majority of the light is coming from the woodstove. There is also a bright overhead LED light directly overhead but it emits no infrared light which is why the scene is so dark.

Infrared light penetrates the skin and reflects from deeper layers. Makes it look a little waxy. Almost like Botox without the paralysis.
Daily Picture Themes
I’ve been keeping up with the Daily Picture Themes posted on the social media site Spoutible and posting them on my Improves with Age substack. Here is the summary from the first week of 2025.
“There is nothing to be learned from the second kick of a mule.”
— Mark Twain
In Search of Sanity
Grant me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change. Helpful essay by humorist Andy Borowitz.
I’m on Bluesky
I left Twitter after Elon Musk took over. I signed up for several social media sites including Bluesky. However most of the news organizations and journalist remained on the Twitter platform…. until now. Suddenly there was an exodus to Bluesky. Welcome, look for me,
Can we talk?
I have removed AdSense advertising from my site. The ads were annoying and cluttered up the page. However it does cost money (and time) to publish this website. If you enjoy the content, why not become a supporter? Think of it as buying me a “virtual cup of coffee”. FYI the average cost of a cup of coffee in 2024 is $3.08

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