This is the daily journal entry for the 4th day of June in 2024. The Daily Picture Theme is #Bell. The featured photo was taken aboard the Coho Ferry on a trip from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, BC on June 18, 2012.
“The true purpose of journaling is to celebrate your life. No matter how small or mundane or redundant, each drawing and little essay you write to commemorate an event or an object or a place makes it all the more special.”
— Danny Gregory
Tai Chi and Yoga (and little sleep)
I have no idea why I wake up at 3 in the morning but it seems to happen on a regular basis. In some ways it not so bad. I take the time to crank out a substack newsletter for the Historical Society and work through my “puzzles”, Wordle, NYT Mini-crossword, Connections and Waffle. Plenty of time before Tai Chi and Yoga. The broken sleep pattern catches up with me in the afternoon when it likely I’ll fall asleep in a chair. Maybe this is a sign of old age. It 77 considered old? I know of a 77 year old convicted felon who would fall asleep in his own trial so maybe it is old.
Farouters Lunch
It was a small group at todays men’s group at the pond. Just Rick, Carl, Paul and myself. A random deer glanced at us and scurried away. We were discussing using quotes and photographs online and Paul told an interesting story about this Pulizer Prize winning photo by John H. Blair. The cash prize was awarded to John H, Blair but then it was discovered that it was given to the wrong photographer. There were plenty of photographers at this public hostage holding. The incident is described in this 1978 New York Times article (Gift article).

After lunch Carl and I visited Central Cemetery. Carl had completed cleaning of James Roger’s gravestone, James died in 1916 but I feel like I know him because I have been posting his daily journal entries for several years. His diaries were one of the reasons I undertook this project. I also have a photo of our chipmunk visitor and the latest bloom in the garden.
On This Date – June 4th
What was happening on June 4th in previous years? I went through the archives and found this collection. The year is specified in the captions.
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