The theme for April 23, 2024 is #Hug
I participate in a photography challenge on Spoutible, a social media site, A hashtagged theme is posted each day from the account of Daily Picture Theme which describes itself as “The Big Photo Album of Our Community.” The theme for today is #Hug. A big hug to all of you.
On This Day – April 23rd (2019)
Kamala Harris
During the Presidential Primary season I made an effort to attend various campaign events throughout New Hampshire. At least the ones that were reasonably close. In 2019 Kamala Harris was going to be at Keene State so Carl Toko and I headed off to the school. Carl made the mistake of asking the wrong person where she was going to be and the guy spouted off about how she was a California Liberal. We managed to find the venue but had to watch in an overflow area.
I found it amusing to see a guy with a “Lock Her Up” sign who I have seen at other events. He must have been a time traveler from 2016 because Hillary Clinton wasn’t running in 2020. Perhaps he thinks that woman politicians should be locked up. I’m sure I’ll see him again this year.
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