The Daily Picture Theme is #Drape
I participate in a photography challenge on Spoutible, a social media site, A hashtagged theme is posted each day from the account of Daily Picture Theme which describes itself as “The Big Photo Album of Our Community.” The picture theme for April 13th is #Drape. I chose a photo of myself draped with an alibino Burmese Python for the featured photo. Here are some other photos for the theme.
All Saints Church (Holy Week 2019)
During Holy Week the statues and crucifixes are draped with purple material. Interesting the way that this is done at the All Saints Church in Peteborough, NH,

Provincetown Parade (August, 2006)
Where can you find sunglasses like that? The ladies are watching a parade in Provincetown.

On This Day – April 13th (2018)
It is not uncommon to see abandoned vehicles and structures in the woods. I had wondered about this cabin by Poor Farm Road in New Ipswich, NH. I was told that during blueberry season, pickers come to town and stay in these until the season was over.
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Isabella was a devout Anglo Catholic and her collection included many artworks with a religious theme. Virgin Adoring the Christ Child is one of those pieces.