Art at the Green Center
The Green Center is an unlikely place to find artwork, but people donate all types of items besides clothing and household appliances.
Briggs’ Garden Tour – 2010
A tour of Eleanor Briggs’ garden in Hancock, NH, part of the Garden Conservancy Open Days in June of 2010.
Stokes Garden Tour – June 2010
Lynda Swenson and I visited the Stokes Garden (Bobolink Farm) in June of 2010. Don and Lillian Stokes are authors of several bird guides and their property is designed as a bird sanctuary.
Aponovich Garden Tour – June 2010
In June 2010 Lynda Swenson and I toured several local gardens as part of the Garden Conservancy Open Days. These photos were taken at the Aponovich Garden in Peterborough, NH.
Gordon Garden Tour – June 2010
In June 2010 Lynda Swenson and I toured several local gardens as part of the Garden Conservancy Open Days. These photos were taken at the Gordon Garden in Peterborough, NH.