November 28, 2023 (Tuesday)
On this day I had plenty of exercise. The morning started with Tai Chi at the Temple Town Hall. After that I went to a Yoga class at the Willow Tree Studio. Karen introduced some new strength exercises, so I now I have some new places to be sore. Thursday may be even more interesting because she is planning to have a circuit course set up. Maybe I’ll get a chance to do some step moves. Stay tuned.
I wanted to keep up on my walking schedule throughout the winter so I paid Franklin Pierce University for the privilege of walking their indoor track inside the Bubble. I chose this venue because it is close to Hannaford Grocery where we shop. Every time I get into the car I can expect to spend at least a half hour to get to a destination. Combining exercise and shopping was a lot more efficient.
Daily Picture Theme – #Three
I participate in a daily picture challenge on the social media site Spoutible. Everyday there is a different subject announced as a Daily Picture Theme. I select an appropriate  photo from my collection to share. I have been sharing these exclusively on Improves With Age, my Substack newsletter. However since I have untaken the task of writing daily entries, I decided to introduce a daily picture theme photo to this website.
Sometimes the theme eludes me, but when I saw that it was “three” I immediately thought of the many snapshots my Mom took of my sisters and I. In most cases these photos were carefully posed by height.
You’ve aged well, John.
John, the portraits of you and your sisters are so excellent. They really capture the beautiful relationship you three shared
Oh I love ALL of these. sweet memories with these. Nice trio I think