Today is my birthday. I’m closer to being eighty than seventy. It all goes by so quickly, always changing.
Today is my birthday. I’m closer to being eighty than seventy. It all goes by so quickly, always changing.
Arthur Pendleton was a machine gunner in the US Marine Corps. He retrieved this fan from a dead Japanese soldier in 1942.
The 161st Children’s Fair was held on August 20, 2022. I would like to thank Mason Brook Nursery and Amazing Flower Farm for their donation of flowers for the Garden Shop. I would also thank Angelika Weber for all her work.
I took a interest in archiving the family photos as a teen when I discovered a box of family photos in my Grandmother’s attic.
I solved Wordle #414 in six tries. I used that number to look back at the date August 7, 2016. This is what I found.
Worldle #413 was solved in 3 tries. The number 3 was used to index photos taken three years ago on August 6, 2019.