On this Day – October 7, 2018
Amy Proctor and Woody Meiszner hosted their annual cider press party on Sunday, October 7, 2018. Many hands made light work as folks quartered apples, cranked the grinder and pressed the juice into a bucket.
Amy and Woody provided the apples, hot mulled cider and ribs. The guests brought salads, baked beans and desserts. The food was delicious.
Raw Materials
Apple seeds contain Amygdalin which is converted into cyanide by digestive juices. It is prudent to not have cyanide-laced cider.
Uninvited Guest
Apple Pressing
This is the hard part, Cranking the mill to shred the apples.
A delicious potluck meal after all that cider pressing.
And Dessert
Socializing with the locals with a glass of cider and other libations.
The spent apple mash will either be food for pigs or compost. The yellow jackets would love it.