Looking back to August 7, 2016
Wordle 414 6/6
In an earlier posting I described a strategy for reviewing my collection of photos. Using my daily Worldle Score as an index, I would scan back that number of years to see if I had taken any photos. I solved puzzle #414 in six tries, mostly because I had rhyming words for line 3, 4 and 5.
Six years ago on this date I was taking photos of flowers.
Orchid Cactus

These plants are native to Central and South America. They are epiphytes, meaning they grow on top of other plants. They are ugly as houseplants, but I keep them around because the flowers are very showy, measuring a few inches in diameter.
Cardinal Flower

I knew that I want to grow a Cardinal Flower in my garden after seeing them growing by the Souhegan River in New Ipswich. They are not supposed to be a long-lived perennial, but my plant is still bloom in 2022 just as it did in 2016 when this photo was taken.
The color is intense and a favorite flower for hummingbirds.