I have tried a number of strategies to keep the squirrels out of my bird feeders and suet blocks. I’ve set up barriers and tried a variety of “squirrel-proof” feeder designs. I’ve had limited success. The other day I noted the complete absence of squirrel activity. I didn’t see the usual crowd of red and gray squirrels. I was alerted to the presence of a Barred Owl by the squawks of my visiting crows. This was my first sighting of an owl in the wild. We hear them throughout the summer but seeing one was a thrill. He (or she) perched on a branch taking in the sunshine and glaring over the bird feeders.

The owl ignored the crows and songbirds but kept scanning the area keeping a careful patrol. He stayed around for a few hours and in that time there was no sign of squirrels and no thievery. I didn’t win the battle, but I have found a formidable ally.
Is the owl on Amazon as well?
I wish it were, but I’m tempted to buy a fake one.