We had to wear dress uniforms when we left the ship on liberty. The dress whites lacked a proper pocket which meant your wallet was hung over your belt making you susceptible to pickpockets.
Civilian clothing permissible when one was off duty but that seemed to relevant only for the sailors stationed onshore.
We discovered several creative ways to wear civilian clothes when we went ashore. I would leave the ship with a trash barrel as part of a “work detail” with a change of clothes tucked into the trash. Once ashore I did a quick clothing exchange and be on my way. This also gave me a little extra time because I could return the next day with a trash can in hand.
I don’t remember all the details about these photos, but I was wearing civilian clothes and I met a water buffalo.

It was a real treat to run into a group of school kids and seeing their smiles.

The next photo is my favorite photo taken in the Philippines.

The farmers let me take this creature for a ride. My style is completely wrong.