The Rescue
On July 13, 1970 members of my squadron rescued downed pilot Lt. Jim Speed. I only learned of this recently via social media when the swimmer Bob Brown sent me some photos from our deployment on the USS Bon Homme Richard during the Vietnam War.

Photo by Unnamed HC1 DET 3 Plane Captain
The official name of our squadron HC-1 was Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 1, but our mission had little to do with combat.
Our mission was air-sea rescue of pilots and personnel that were lost at sea.
The magazine Kaman Rotor Tips wrote an account of the rescue.
‘Professionalism’ Marks Det 3 Mission
In a “text book” rescue, a pilot who ejected from his crippled A-4 and landed in the water 17 miles from the USS Bon Homme Richard was rescued three minutes later by a UH-2C crew deployed aboard the carrier. AMCAN r. F. Brown leaped into the water from the helicopter to aid the survivor and both were hoisted to the SEASPRITE by ATN3 M. W. Winkler. Piloting the helicopter were LT C.F. Jamison and LTJG W. Strocco. All crewmembers are attached to HC-1’s Det. Lieutenant Jamison said afterwards that the aircrew performed “very professionally.”
The Training
HC-1 held several rescue training exercises on our deployment. A swimmer would be lowered near the downed pilot to attach a harness. Then the hoist operator would raise the pilot from the sea.