Many hands make light work, but weather can complicate things a bit. Setup for the 157th Children’s Fair began after church services on August 12th.
The fair is held on the grounds of the New Ipswich Congregational Church at 150 Main Street, New Ipswich, NH.
Weather Event
In the middle of the night a gust of wind knocked down the tent. The ground was so wet from days of rain that the stakes just slipped out and the entire process needed to be repeated.
Other volunteers setup games in the Children’s section, as well as setting smaller tents for the other venues at the fair.
The setup volunteers were provided with a pizza supper on Wednesday evening.
Cheryl’s Garden
Cheryl Ricci assisted me in my duties running the Garden Shop area at the fair. She passed away in 2017. She created several gardens on the church ground and a small plaque was added this year.