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Daily Journal – 20 Jun 2024 (Thursday)

Inflatable Architecture

This is the daily journal entry for the 20th day of June in 2024. The Daily Picture Theme is . World Fairs and Expositions are great showcases of what will be “Modern” in the future. Inflatable architecture was on display at the 1970 Expo in Osaka, Japan.

“I write in a journal daily. This extraordinary ritual has revolutionized my mindset, transformed my heartset, and generally influenced in my life exponentially.”

— Robin S. Sharma

Summer Solstice

Whew another scorcher. Three days in a row make it an official heat wave. Once again I was the lone student for Tai Chi, still working on the longer form. After that I attended the Yoga class in town, but that it was comfortably cool.

Too hot to work outside, but I did experiment with taking cuttings of a balloon flower and butterfly bush. Keeping the media waters is essential if I am to have any success with propagating them. I used to be able to withstand the heat better, maybe it another “feature” of being older, less resilence to temperature extremes.

Keeping Cool

I accepted the offer of my friends to cool off in their pool and it was delightful. I stayed in till my skin wrinkled. What process causes that?

Ancestry DNA

My DNA ancestry test kit arrived today. I’m hoping I can create enough saliva to fill the test vial. i have to wait 30 minutes after eating or drinking to take the sample. That is a task for tomorrow.

Happy Birthday

My sister celebrates her birthday on this day which is also the first day of Summer. Happy Birthday Susan. In this photo I was giving her sound advice about how to proceed in life,

Susan and John



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